Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chapter 10-Nativism

What is Nativism and what causes it?
Nativism favors the interests of certain established inhabitants of an area or nation as compared to claims of newcomers or immigrants.[1] It may also include the re-establishment or perpetuation of such individuals or their culture. ( It is caused when Americans are divided and uncertain about their futire.

What and when were the three discreet phases of anti-immigrant activity?
Three phases of anti-immigrant activity. Thw first phase is anti-Catholic which as aimed at the Irish Catholic and a lesser extent to German Catholic immigration. The second phase was anti-asian which was tiggered by Chinese immigration. and flourished early from the 1870's until 1882 when the Chinese exclusion act was passed. It has not entirely disappeared. The third phase is the restriction against all immigrants.

What was the Know-Nothing party?
Was to call for chage in the naturalization laws. It was to bar the foregin born from holding any but minor local offices. Also, forbidding immigration into the United States of paupers, criminals, idiots, lunatics, etc...

What does the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution establish? Who's left out?
"all persons born or naturalized in the United States...are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside" Asians were exckuded.

Why did the Chinese Exclusion Act pass?
The act passed for econimic interests. Also, the factor of racial prejudice.

What prompted the federal government to take over the administration of immigration?

What do you know about Ellis Island?
Ellis Island was formerly the site of a naval arsenal in New York Harbor. Immigrants saw Ellis Island as an "island of hope"It was later used as a detention center and a temporary internment center for enemy aliens. In 1990 it was a part of National Park Service's

Against whom was most racism directed and why?
Asian immigrants except Japanese and Filipinos.

Was the literacy test effective at barring undesirable immigrants?
In the future all immingrants would have to be literate, although in the case of family immigration if the husband were literate the wife did not have to be. The test was fair, but still did not restrict immigrants.

How did the quota plan work? who was not subject to it?
The major goal was to cut the total number and move the basline census back from 1920.

Was a limit on immigration necessary or desirable
The limitation on immigration is probably desirable. There are limits to to the number of immigrants a developed country can absorb. It seemed impossible to save the lives of people who were leaving their land or origin because of tryanny and death because of the strict restrictive laws that were placed on immigration in the United States.

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