Friday, October 14, 2011

Angelina Grimke & Ida B. Wells

It was interesting to read that Angelina Grimke was against slavery and her father was a slaving holding judge. It was also interesting to read how she became the first woman to lecture for the Anti-Slavery Society and even though there were religious attacks and she was being threatened she still continued to demonstrate that she truly believes in. In addition, in Angelina Grimke, An Appeal to the Christian Women of the South (1836) she explains the important role that men have regarding slavery. It is important to spread the word and let people know that slavery is a crime against man and God. And if slavery continues it is a great sin especially if they are not allowing them to read or write. And it is important to plead the case for those who are being oppressed.
Furthermore, in her passage, (4) Angelina Grimke, An Appeal to the Christian Women of the South (1836) she explains the important role that woman have in overthrowing slavery. She explains how men have something in their heart that will bend under moral pressure. It is significant if a woman is able to obtain just six signatures to sign in one state rather than none is a step forward. Also slavery must be attacked with the truth in order for people to truly understand the situation. Also it is important as Christian women to plead the cause of the poor and oppressed.
In the second reading her message is strengthened as a southerner because she has witnessed slavery in horrors that can not be described. She explains that she has seen slaves in slavery and has never seen a happy slave, there is no such thing. There is a difference between happiness and mirth. Her being a female speakers after going through many struggles but still speaking about slavery sends the message that change is possible. When she first started speaking she was threatened because she is a woman and women were not suppose to be so open minded let alone voice their opinions. Also, being a southerner and a woman she is able to share her experience of the petitions that are sent out in the south and large number of people that have responded. She also strengthens her speech by using the woman in England as an example of making a difference.
I suppose rape is prominently related to lynching because African American men were easy targets to blame rape upon. If a white woman was to accuse an African American man of raping her, the chances of him being lynched are very high. Since the majority of the people in the south were racist and wanted to abolish the African American race, accusing one of rape was an easy way to do so because of the high ratings of lynching. They were not able to defend themselves, or plead their case.

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