Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chapter 2

In the colonial period (1607-1787), how many came to America and how many of those were free?

Fewer than a million came. Six hundred thousand Europeans and 3,000 Africans. The free immigrant was a minority during the Colonial Period.

What does the first census of 1790 tell us about colonial immigrants?

3.1 millions whites, 750,000 blacks. There was no attempt to count Indians, because they were excluded from the constitutional mandate. Rapid growth because of increase in babies. White population grew five times. The black population grew 2 and half times.

Who went to Virginia and why? How did the do there?

They were victims of unsuspicious propoganda who were paid for by the London proprietors which painted Virgina as land of milk and honey. They were also male, young, single, destitute, and ignorant. In adition, the distance of migration was also easy.

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