Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chapter 17

What has changed and what has stayed the same in American immigration since 1986?

The increasing amount of immigrants has stayed the same. The changes have been the attitudes towards immigration, and the new laws and regulations.

In the 2000 census, what percentage of the population was foreign born? How does that compare to the historical numbers? (Hint: check the tables in this chapter and in chapter 6.)

10.4% were foreign born in 2000.

According to the 2000 census, the largest numbers of immigrants came what regions? Where did most settle? What were their education achievements and income?

They largest numbers of immigrants came to the Western States. Two thirds of twenty-five years of age and older completed high school graduates. A large percent of immigrants have their PhDs than Native-born Americans. 9.1% of foreign born were in poverty.

Why is the data so misleading when the census data on immigrants is lumped together?
The experience of individuals is varied.

What does Daniels say the responsible historian must try to do
The responsible historian should balance somehow these extremes and arrive at a reasonable estimate of immigrant status and expectations.

Who are "nonimmigrant" immigrants?
Various immigrants who enter the United States on various visas that do not entitle them to apply for permanent resident status and which do not have expiration dates.

Who do experts think comprise the major portion of the illegal immigrants?
nonimmigrants, illegal immigrants, undocumented persons, wetbacks

What is the longstanding discrimination against Mexican as opposed to Canadian border crossers?
Little is ever said about the longstanding discrimination against Mexicans.

Why are the governments estimates of the number of illegal immigrants so unreliable?
There is lost or missing information.

If we accept the governments numbers, what, in Daniel's opinion, are the vast majority of the 1.8% of the U.S. population that is undocumented?
The vast majority are hardworking, exploited toilers doing necessary jobs and not in any way a threat to the republic.

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